“Better business with better relationships”
– Harvey Tyler
Achieving Outcomes that are Enjoyed, not Endured
As a widely experienced property and construction professional Harvey has developed excellent competencies, invaluable experience and proven results. He brings dedication, commitment, and focus delivered in an engaging outcome-focused manner in living to his values of integrity and honesty.
For over 20 years, Harvey has revelled in all the opportunities within construction and industrial property and has successfully delivered over $400m of industrial, commercial, health, education and primary industries projects for both public and private clients. He has established respectful and mutually beneficial relationships that he continues to enjoy.
With over six years’ experience with one of the country largest family-owned successful design-build commercial property developers, his experience is invaluable to commercial property clients seeking to optimise returns.
Harvey is down-to-earth, straightforward, and charismatic at all contact points, and prides himself in helping his clients foremost.
As a building energy efficiency NABERSNZ Practitioner, he can assist clients understand current building energy use, help save money, and help secure higher value tenants, with the objective to improve property values, sale prices and lease rates.
Growing up in an age where digital marketing is a vitally important channel to present our clients’ properties for lease or sale in a premium manner, Harvey has developed excellent skills on professional digital media profiles. In doing so, seek to achieve a much broader market reach with targeted campaigns of refined and engaging digital content of your properties. Harvey’s ability to utilise these key components sets him ahead of the competition.