What makes a great real estate agent?

Christchurch Real Estate Agent

What sort of person makes a great real estate agent? How do you choose one?

Choosing an effective real estate agent is often an issue for sellers. There seem to be so many different things to consider when making that vital decision. For some it will be a simple decision: Who has the best track record among the agents I know? For others it will be more about asking: Is this a person I feel comfortable about giving my house to sell?

Generally speaking good real estate agents display a set of common characteristics which include an ability to work hard and with focus. Good agents carry a history with great testimonials and references. Willingness to listen and act on instructions is very important, as is the need to be both ethical and honest in the feedback to seller or buyer.

A good agent is one that keeps you informed, that you can trust to do the job, that pursues the necessary detail and has the integrity and courage to admit when they don’t know something.

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When a person starts their real estate career, they have much to learn but also the qualities that they bring to the vocation are so very important.

Working in real estate offers people of all ages, gender or cultural background an opportunity to build their own business under the umbrella of a supportive office or franchise. The industry now offers more diversity of opportunity from commercial to residential, from rural to property management and beyond.

All this is happening at a time when the industry legally requires an ever increasing level of training and adherence to professional standards.

They now have a complex array of technology and software which provides valuable business tools.

For anyone considering real estate as a career, the opportunities are significant.

There are various ways to do the qualifications and to become licensed. Once qualified a salesperson may be under supervision for the next six months.

The real question is what sort of person makes a good real estate agent? To this questions the are many and varied answers but certain qualities or traits stand out. The most obvious ones are: A desire to succeed, a passion for working with people and a commitment to work hard, being ethical in the way you work; and the ability to listen and to act on what you hear.